Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Fear factor

Fear is a negative emotion, right? 

You should not be afraid, 

Do not fear your opponent, 

If you are afraid you wont be able to do anything, 

Don't be afraid of me, 

are some statements we hear all our lives.

Fear of ghosts, fear of darkness, fear of God, fear of a situation, fear of death - all different forms leading to the same conclusion - Fear is a feeling of apprehension - of the unknown, of the unfamiliar, of the unchartered. 

Are all people in this world afraid of something or the other? Yes. But.....

A person who takes care of the cemetery cannot live in fear of ghosts and darkness if he wants to do his job !! 

A priest knows better to respect and pray to god than to fear him/her !! 

If 'Be prepared' is your motto, you will be able to function in any situation, however terrible it may be. 

A soldier performs his duties even in the face of death. 

My point is fear is the kind of ultimate truth which you would have to face if you do not counter it sooner or later. Fear keeps you on your toes and drives you to function the way you are supposed to. It may make you hesitant, reluctant or even stall you for a period of time. But it should never stop you from achieving your goals.      

Whenever, you are afraid, always remember - 

The presence of negatives are as necessary as the positives. 

Maybe not for the sake of mental peace, but for the sake of realizing the positives in life and making it worth living.    

Life is like a current. A current flows only when there is a positive and a negative. If there was only a positive, there would no current, there would be no life, isnt it? 


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Very good.

-Meenakshi Kale