Saturday, December 11, 2021

Mother nature - Beautiful, wonderful, but so powerful.

The mountains and the bees, the rivers and the seas, 

The falls and the leaves, the valleys and the breeze. 

Oh my beautiful, ma nature wonderful,

Oh mother nature, you're but so powerful. 

The sunny mornings, the orb of light,

The moon that shimmers and shines so bright.

The dew drops like diamonds, raindrops like crystals,

The chirping of birds and the jungle whistles 

Oh my beautiful, ma nature wonderful, 

Oh mother nature, you're but so powerful.  


The tall tall mountains and the deep deep valleys,

The gorges of the tornadoes down the alley,

The huge storms and the black clouds, 

The cyclonic winds blowing so loud,

Oh my beautiful, ma nature wonderful,

Oh mother nature, you're but so powerful


Chanshekh said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you !! :)
