Friday, July 25, 2008

Meetings and presentations

Been writing this post after quite a long time. Last time I wrote a post, I was in another country and it was a sunny day. This time I am in my home country and it’s a rainy night. US and India are two different countries with different cultures. No one, who has been to both these countries would waste their time comparing the two, because there is no comparison. Life is very different in US and India. Anyway, I resumed office last week and was quite happy to see ‘some’ of my colleagues in office. Some of the travel descriptions which I should have written in my blog when I was in USA shall be written later, that is, when I feel like re-visiting those memories!!! So anyway, the first day I resumed office, my boss told me to attend a vendor seminar on ‘lightning protection’ equipment. It was an interesting seminar…………………………………………………and so I was told later, because I did not hear anything……….i was busy sleeping!!! It wasn’t jet lag, it was either the soporific power of the presenter’s voice or the topic was simply boring. Meetings and presentations have always been a bore for me, however short the length. I am never one of those who carry a note pad, to a presentation to note any important points. I sit in a place where no one can see me, so that when a slide show is going on and the lights go out, my head starts drooping. Whenever I am in plain view of the speaker (rarely), I try not to sleep…… doing so my mind starts wandering to far away places……….like the office canteen where tea is being made. I start wondering when the tea is gonna come. When it finally comes, and I drink it and somewhat come out of my stupor. I had once even played games on my mobile, when a vendor seminar was on and it was much more exciting!!! My friend once suggested that we play tic tac toe, during our group meetings. We will be trying that out soon!! Another method of timepass during a meeting or seminar is ‘chatting’. Same as chatting online. The only difference here is that u have to write on paper. So when I want to ask someone “How are you?” I write this down on my notepad and show it to him……..he reads it and writes his response below. This way we can chat without disturbing anyone!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!

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