Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ignorance is bliss? Yes at times.

What is this? What happens when you do this? What are the advantages? How economical is this compared to that? How best can this be done? Why is this here? Where can I find this? Where do I get to learn this? What did he mean when he said that?
So many questions. And from there on starts an a quest, a thirst to learn something new, finally the satisfaction of having gained the knowledge and then a new question and another quest and so on...The topic of this post is People with a 'chikitsak buddhi' or in english an 'inquisitive mind'
People with an inquisitive mind are rarely satisfied with their degree of awareness. They are always yearning to be the encylopedia....of trivia or essentials. They seem to poke their heads into all kinds of things that go around in the everyday life or once in a lifetime. They challenge your opinions and question your beliefs and if they differ and dont get their answers....they haggle and pull faces and wear an air of extreme superiority. Even the tiniest of doubt and they'll dissect the whole matter and study the elements and put it back again to make it ...what they would call 'perfect' !!

Its not like this...its not as good as you think it dont know exactly....statements like this are always heard from people of inquisitive minds. There is no doubt that most of them are very intelligent...if they werent they wouldnt be able to raise questions about everything would they?

As long as they are happy with their knowledge seeking spree in life its ok. But sometimes, habits can misguide your way of life. These very inquisitive minds start going deep into stuff which some others would say 'Forget it, it must be there for a reason'. These 'others' dont give a damn about that 'reason'.

Going deep into stuff is not bad....but it makes you think too much...You develop a habit of doing it everytime and then you are not satisfied when you dont get answers....because once in a while you dont !!!
Thinking too much about everything just puts more stress on your brain and believe me, the brain needs to be given a rest every now and then for it to think clearly.
And lets be frank with we need to know everything? Dont you have different experts for different fields? Dont they say ignorance is bliss sometimes?


Ravan said...

What if switching ur thinking off, is not an option?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ron

Controlling ones mind is anyways a state of nirvana attained by only few


Anonymous said...

Well, at times, it is not an option agreed,
but sometimes there are things which you can choose to ignore .
I think it is more of a habit for some people to think too much...if you try consciously, you can cultivate a habit of avoiding thinking about something which gives you trouble...

Of course...both of you wont agree with me...

Anonymous said...

They are 'chikitsak buddhi' and will not agree with you ;)


Anonymous said...


Might be....but I certainly did not have them in mind when I was writing this post !!!


Anonymous said...

Its a way of life.... To everyone his own. Being on either sides can have pros And cons...

Don't bother till ur happy

Anonymous said...

@last anonymous..

May I know your name please?
