Thursday, September 27, 2012

A little boy's haircut !!

It was just another visit to the barber's. Hair cutting like shaving is a must for us 'uncool' guys who'd like to keep our hair short !! After a haircut, I feel most relieved. It feels so nice and cool and free. Its almost as if, hair has extra weight which gets off, after the snips. As I was directed to the chair by the barber, I noticed that a very young boy was sitting in the chair next to mine. He must have been around 4 to 5 years old. His mother was sitting on one of chairs at the behind of the shop and instructing the hair cutter how to cut the boy's hair.

I remembered the time when my father used to bring me to this very saloon, when I was around the kid's age. My father still remembers me sitting quietly on the chair....'like a good boy' he says !! The barber never had any problem cutting my hair, as I used to sit very steady (unlike at most other times, when I used to be a very restless tot). It only used to be a problem when I used to shake when he used to shave off the fine hairs with a scalpel causing a very strong tickle !!

For some reason I also remembered that there was a stop next to the saloon from where dad used to get me a chocolate lollypop after every cut, as a reward for being good and steady !!!

So anyway, coming back to the present....this boy was getting more restless by the minute. He was fidgeting and making irritable noises. The boy wanted a particular hairstyle. He was telling the barber:

Boy: Uncle, I want to have this hairstyle, where my hair would stand like small prickly needles. Mom, tell uncle I want a haircut like akshay's !!

Boy's mother: No dear, Akshay's hair is only like stands on its end...its natural. You have straight hair dear. You cannot have a cut like that.

Boy: Noooo....uncle, give me a haircut like I am telling you to !!

Barber: No beta....this cut looks good on you....dont do any hairstyles now. Do them when you are older and in college....right now listen to mom beta...

Boy: Nooo..nooo....nooo....

After his haircut was complete and the towel was removed....the boy's deliberately stamped his feet on the ground and huffed out of the saloon, his chubby cheeks red with anger at not getting the desired style !! His mom paid the money and hurried off after her son !!

Makes me want to say .....Kids, these days !! When we were young all we knew was that dad takes me to a barber's shop every month, where I have to sit and get my haircut. Once it was done...we were free to go.....the thought never crossed our minds as to how we'd look with this style....or with some other. 'Hairstyle' did not exist for us...we didnt know what that word meant. These days it seems otherwise. But then as my friend once said...Change is the only constant !!

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