Saturday, December 13, 2008

The way the mind works.

They say that a person changes as he grows. They also say that his habits change. They also say that some of his personality traits change throughtout his lifetime. Rubbing of chin while thinking, scratching your head when in utter confusion, biting nails when nervous, fidgeting etc etc. While some people might outgrow these , still others take the habit all the way.
I dont know why I wrote the above part because the reason why I wrote this post is I wanted to describe one of my habits.........actually it cant be called a habit but its something of a fear induced compulsion...........
A long time ago....when I was very young I hated the dark. I could not sleep alone in a room. Fear of the dark, no doubt about it. Whenever I slept alone, I felt as if ghosts would come and haunt the room. I used to feel that if I opened my eyes, a ghastly face would stare right into my eyes and scare the wits out of me. Once a ghastly face did stare at me when I opened my eyes......later I realised my sister was wearing a paper mask and trying to scare me!!

Anyway, once it so happened that I was sleeping alone in my room (I was scared and yet was very sleepy so sleep was coming inspite of my fears I was in a sort of subconscious state of sleep.) It happened to be a stormy night and I remember there was a lot of thunder and lightning, that night. Just as I was about to sleep, there came a bolt of lightning which illuminated the dark night and simultaneously a loud crack of thunder. Thoroughly shaken by the loud sound of thunder, I opened my eyes wide and sat up on my bed upright like a 'bolt' (It probably freaked me out more because I was in a sort of subconscious state of sleep). When I looked at my rooms cupboard, there was another illuminating strike of lightning, and I saw a white figure moving side to side in perfect oscillatory motion, in the wind. When I saw that thing there, I literally froze, out of fear for a few moments. I could'nt talk or I would have screamed. After a few moments, I came out of my 'trance' and realised that it was indeed, just my shirt which was hung on a hanger!!! I still remember that incident and even till now, whenever there is a shirt on hanger, I put it out of sight before going to bed!!!


K.C said...

lol... Builder ko bhi darr lagta hai ??

RK said...

har aadmi ki ek kamjori hoti hai.....