Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nirlajam sada sukhi

There is an old adage in marathi..... "Nirlajam sada sukhi". It means that people who are shameless (not in the 'physical sense of the meaning', of course..) are the happiest. If the reverse of this is true.....I am probably the most shameless person in this whole wide world !!!
Yes, its probably the fact that being shameless upto a great extent protects my sanity and my emotional balance !!!
At times I feel grateful that God's given me two ears. One for listening and other for letting out the filtered information !!!
As kids, we were often scolded by our school teachers....." Dont just stand their laughing shamelessly." or "That was a shameless lie, you idiot." etc. I remember that children who were shameless were happier, even that time. Those who werent shameless, cried like wimps.
Agreed, that its not good to be entirely shameless, but some shamelessness is required. This world is a bad and cruel place. It contains evil people. Everyday, there are people who will talk harshly to you, hurt your feelings, and sabotage your public image, even if you are doing no wrong. If there are people like that around, its quite ok to be shameless.


Anonymous said...

It's not Marathi. It's Sanskrit.

Anonymous said...

its marathi. moreover many words are derived from sanskrit nd its not just in case of marathi u can take languages like malayalam for refrence it has sanskrit words too !