Monday, July 6, 2009

Beggar industry.

The beggar phenomena.......You see beggars on alll major signals of mumbai. I feel that this beggar community must be having some sort of organized setup. I mean, just look at the lot. They have a sort of, world of their own. Each one is involved in a different 'profession' within their own group.
You'll see some of them, genuine, really handicapped, having lost a leg or an arm. Well, those are the honest working class beggars.
Some of them will pretend to have injured a leg. They'll walk with a limp, or push a small 'skateboard' like cart with rag covered hands. You'll pity the beggar, give him some money and will see him get up and walk off once he gets it !!!! So that's acting and marketing strategy all bundled up in a package.
Rag carrying beggars are more 'sophisticated' in nature. They will give you 'service'. The rag wipes your car clean...... or so it would seem to the rag carrying beggar (Car here means a part of your car 'bonnet') You will be troubled, of course. Because the rag is never clean.....and it just leaves greasy stains on your car bonnet. But yeah, they put up their hands and ask for money anyway. That is how their service industry works. Just like the other car service industries, which only clean your car, when you give it for servicing, the beggar service industry just dirties your car bonnet when they provide service.
Expediating beggars are rampant near bus stops. They chase you down till you give the money to chase them away !!! There goes expediating and the procurement industry of beggars.
Cultural Industry of beggars booms in trains. They will carry an instrument like a harmonium or something and will sing hindi songs like 'pardesi pardesi jaana nahi' in loud shrill voices which irritate your ass off and you give them the money and say 'Yeh le aur pardes jaaa be, dimag khaana band kar'.
There are many other such professional beggars. Begging for more growth rates, more income, more job satisfaction and in general begging for more.


Ravan said...

Some of the above mentioned phenomemnon exist with certain ppl in our offices too !

RK said...

yeh dil maange more.... fact...their idea comes from professional organizations like companies.