Saturday, July 4, 2009

Think less....dont crave for a pensieve !!

The idle mind is a devil's workshop......maybe. But a filled mind is like a nuclear bomb...waiting to go off the moment a fuse is lived. Sometimes I feel that humans need a source of 'thought-let-out' like the 'pensieve' in harry potter books. In case, any of you people havent read harry potter books.....a pensieve is a kind of basin where you can store your thoughts, memories and peruse them later on. Now, I wish it was for real. People might've used it. I wouldnt have, though. I never think and hence thoughts never come. In fact, I doubt whether I have a brain or not !! Jokes apart, a human mind is filled with so many thoughts ,that it is rarely easy to get rid of all thoughts. Another reason why I think, I dont have brains....I CAN get rid of things very easily. If thoughts go on piling up in your mind, it gets saturated, just like steam does (You heard of saturated steam? Well, I heard it today, I was doing some engineering calculations.........that was a bad really was.....I havent been that worse in years !!) So, coming to the point, I feel that, if you think too much, its bound to happen, the thoughts are bound to start troubling you. Just like everything else in our body, except the heart, our mind needs rest. But it never does, does it?. That is why we relate the heart and the mind. They say in hindi....ya to dil ki suno.....ya to dimag ki (Either listen to the heart or to the mind). Why this competition? Its probably because both of them work continuously, never resting, never stopping. But just like we can make the heart strong, by eating less oily, and nutrient rich food, we can make our mind stronger and less vulnerable to attacks by......thinking less. Give thinking a rest, all the activities in your normal day need not be thought consuming. In your free time play games which are less analytical, watch movies which dont need much thinking, eat something delicious everyday !! And at the end of the day.....write some useless posts and blogs like these which dont require any thinking !!! And you'll never feel the need of a pensieve, to store your thoughts which have filled your mind to the brim !!!

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