Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happiness of the stone age man !!!

Sometimes, I wonder whether technological and scientific development are so important ?
No doubt we have all the luxuries and the tools and techniques of doing work quickly, but then do we have to actually 'work' less even if we have all the necessary appliances? It is obvious that this is not the case. On the contrary, work has increased, lifestyles have changed for the worse, have become more hectic and tiring, relationships strained, overall health has declined, even though recorded death rate has decreased. Our happiness has become materialisitic and whether you like it or not, it has to be that way, if you want to stay in the race. We have even started spoiling nature and its resources in the process. We have evolved so much , yet, looking at the bigger picture called life, we have gained little and are fast approaching nothingness. It makes me wonder....Was stone age man happier, even though he probably didnt know the meaning of happiness?


Anonymous said...

I agree...

Simple example wud be ppl co-ordinating meetings and other activities even when there were no cell fones... In fact nowadays there's simply more confusion...

Its more like tools were invented with the purpose of doing the SAME WORK in LESSER TIME, but whats happened is we're expected to do MORE WORK in SAME TIME...

More options available, more the greed and confusion and chaos...

- Ravan

K.C said...

i guess he could roam naked ...
or wid minimum clothes... freedom eh ?

Anonymous said...

I remember in our 'younger' days (much younger than we are now !!!), we used to plan to meet at a fixed time..and except for a few dumbos...everyone was on time to play....and now as you say...we need at least 3-4 calls to co-ordinate !!!

Yeah !! I mean....he could be happy with even that...can we roam around naked outdoors? We can...but not without suffering embarrasment!!!
