Monday, September 28, 2009


Winning is not only about participating. It is about putting in your best, coming out of the worst and forging ahead of the rest !!
Winning is winning and you cant win if you keep on whining.
Winning is like the peg of whisky which gives you a high.
Winning is better than losing, even if failure is the first step to success. If you win once and keep winning you dont come across the first step at all !!
Winning is the ingredient which adds flavour to life.
Winners never weep, losers may.
If you think you'll win, half your job is done, but then, think again.


Anonymous said...

1. Winning may not necessarily be about putting in ur best. Sometimes u can fail with ur best efforts and sumtimes u succeed with hardly any efforts at all.

2. True. Winning is winning... Nobody wins the silver, they all lose the Gold.

3. Not really an issue to keep winning without even losing once. I dunno whether victory is sweeter after a loss, but i'd still get high on continuous wins. Boosts my ego, totally...

4. But what Ive realized (at least with me) is that, u never win when u want it the most. It always comes at unexpected times, when u aren't looking / planning for it. So even if u think ur winning, i dunno if half the job is done, or its totally done or none at all and whether thinking again will assure me of victory or loss!

- Ravan

Anonymous said...

victories ar like pegs of whisky true, bt then its an addiction wich makes u cruel. winners ar winners , true. but winners ar ruthless. often uncool. an yea a winner always stands alone. @ k.c

Anonymous said...

And getting to wat KC wrote...

What if for one big victory, u've sacrificed a 1000 small ones... and at the end of it u realise the big victory wasnt worth all those 1000 small ones!

- Ravan

Ravan said...

@ KC - But there's no whiskey ever made that can get Lord M HIGH... (Cos he never has more than one peg, God knows how he knows abt the HIGH feeling!)