Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A little boy's prayer to God...with terms and conditions

Dear God,
Make me big and strong. My mom says I have to drink milk to grow big and strong. Mom also says that if you pray to god with all your heart and faith and ask him for a wish he will grant it to you. Now, I didnt drink my milk this afternoon.....Poured it outside the window....but still I am praying to you and I hope that you'll grant me the wish of growing big and strong without drinking milk.

I want to become a pilot and fly like a bird. But dad says I have to study to become a pilot. I dont like to study. But flying a plane must be easy isnt it? I've seen them on the TV. They just pull some kind of joystick and the plane takes off. I have played games like that on my friend's computer and I think I could fly a plane just like that without studying. Please god ....let me be a pilot without studying.

My dad keeps saying that the toys that I want are too costly. He says he doesnt have enough money. I dont believe it. He goes to office everyday to earn money. I had been to dad's office once. It is very cool inside the building....dad says its because of the air condition or something. Dad ordered some yummy sandwiches for us when we went there. He kept on calling people all the time and ordered them to do all the things. He has so many people to do things for him. If things are like that in office, I want to go to an office too. And then I'll be able to earn money and buy my own toys. Please god let me go to office instead of going to school.

Hmmmm....I cant think of any more prayer, god. I will pray tommorow, also. Goodnight for now. Please grant all my wishes. Thank you for that lollypop you made dad get for me today.


Buls said...


Anonymous said...



Ravan said...

I bet everyone of us has said this kinda prayer lots of times as kids...

In fact prayers like 'I want to be a pilot', 'I dont like to study to become a pilot' were sed by me right upto high school... 'I wud like to go to an office instead of school/college' were sed by me right upto engineering!

K.C said...

i dont rem , prayers apart frm the ones i made when Engg results used to be put up.... do u rem , sheets used to be pasted and we used to rush ?

That was the time of prayers !!