Sunday, May 4, 2008

The farm house.

A small house…..with a nice verandah…..and a front yard………..
Amidst tall mountains, on a far away land, miles from the hustle and bustle of the overcrowded and polluted city…………
A rivulet marking its borders……….
A tulsi plant and a neem tree on the front yard……..a porch swing to sit on and relax…….
The neat rows of mango plantations……..the dog snoozing on its favourite spot……
The arrival of a new dawn marked by the crowing of the rooster………..
The stars appearing one by one in the night sky……..
The heavenly moonlight......especially on a full moon night.......
Breathing in the pure and fresh air…………
The torches and the lathis……behind the main door…….
The farm hand’s kids……studying under the oil lamps….climbing trees in their free times….

That’s how my grandfather’s farmhouse was…… was sold off almost a year ago…..i used to go there often and the memories keep coming back to me…….Once you got there, there was nothing to do there except enjoy the peace and quiet of the place………and believe me….it didn’t get boring at all…….

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