Friday, December 18, 2009

An opinion

I was watching Lakshya the other day. The movie comes to the part where Hrithik (Karan in the movie) runs away from the Indian Military Academy following the fiasco at the training camp. A place where he pays for his somehow callous and easy going nature......He is punished for taking things lightly and playing the fool. After flying high.....getting through the tough CDS exams with flying colours, getting full support of his girl, he finds the training tough and there is no place for happy-go-lucky people. His superiors and instructors show him his place. He decides to run away and comes back home. Here he overhears his parents saying how they never thought he would get through the training. He meets his girl hoping that she would offer him some support and sympathy. But he finds that she, too, is not very happy that he could'nt get through something which he chose himself. In fact she breaks off with him for this very reason. Dejected, depressed and down.....he makes a decision to get back to the academy.....and finish his training. He does it and becomes an officer...a changed man.

The thing is, its just that, there comes a time, when you are dropped from all sides. All the pillars which support your cause, collapse. You are left alone, with no one to trust and no one to help you. In fact the blame game is on you. You feel that its all going bad.....the next thing you know it gets worse and then worst. You get jolted from all sides and feel the pinch and the pain. For a fact, its a downtime, all right. But if you just think about it again, its a time when things cant get any worse, can they? It can only be an upside from then on, isnt it? Plus, the pressure to perform is off (if there was earlier !!). People dont expect anything from you anyway. So you are on your own and would perform much better.

Its just an opinion......

1 comment:

Ravan said...

Its kinda like things get a little worse before they can get better... And also that to need to muster the courage to do sumthing, u kinda need to quit first!

But never fear hitting rock bottom... Cos from there, u can only go UP!