Saturday, February 28, 2009

A pouring out of frustration.

There are some people in this world who, I wish, would shut up and mind their own bloody business. They have this infuriating habit of poking their nose into matters which are strictly out of their territory. Its one thing to be mildy curious and another to be overtly inquisitive. Also, I would like to tell some of these 'some people', one day that, they should not mix personal and professional life and keep the two apart. A fellow I know, seems to be judging how my personal life would be, based on his experiences of my professional workmanship. He even has the nerve of telling me his totally inaccurate conclusions. If it were not for the fact that my hands are tied right now, I would give him a piece of my mind in the form of an angry retort. The bastard. He tends to think that he is the 'coolest dude' which is quite untrue, in fact quite contradictory. If he was the coolest, I think the definition of 'cool' itself would change. Right now, I wish that he has an upset stomach 24 X 7 till he drops faint in his own pool of poo. Yeah, that was disgusting, but then you have an idea about how disgusted I am, by his behaviourial characteristics.


K.C said...

lol... dat was quite some curse. An oscar nominee infact.

Chillax !!

Ravan said...

Such lousy people, simply aren't worth our time...

Once ur out of contact with him... forget it...Don't carry it...

RK said...

@Mysterio and Ravan
Yeah....right I do chillax........
But at times chillaxing is easier said than done.....

Ravan said...

But sumtimes its just that sum certain ppl are alive cos its illegal to shoot them...