Friday, May 29, 2009

Lack of enthu.

For starters let me tell you this....I am in quite a strong, hateful and edgy mood today. I cant say that I didnt laugh today at all. But this was a day when I laughed with devilish satisfaction. More of the sneery, smirky, smug, sadistic type of laughter. As I was telling ron, one of my best friends, I hate when people dont show enthusiasm. Enthusiasm of any kind at all.
Its not that I deny that some people dont have many activities, hobbies or interests. But then its impossible for anyone to have no topic of interest at all. You might say that they have interests other than your own. Possible. But some people, just go in a trance like state and seem to be staring at some sort of void in the air, when you are speaking. After sometime you start feeling whether you yourself are talking in an alien tongue or whether you are a brainless git.
The reality dawns upon you later on and you realise that the person with whom you are speaking with, lacks enthusiasm in any topic you come up with and he is the one who's a brainless git.


Ravan said...


We're so used to SELFLESSLY thinking of opinions of ppl around us, that we forget sometimes to look out for ourselves... its abt time we became SELFISH... :P !!!

jokes apart... its probably a live n let live attitude thats missing... and it shud be both ways !!!

lets just let ppl be... and KEEP IT AT THAT...

dont evaluate urself too much on what others say...they MAY NOT be capable enuf to analyse stuff correctly and pass gud judgment!

RK said...

But still....