Thursday, May 21, 2009

The not so green thumb.

So I saw this kid watering the young saplings which are planted in our building compound. He was being advised on how to water them by his grandpa ("Lower the hose, son....dont spray a jet near the base, you'll damage the roots"). The kid, for fun, or because he was annoyed with his grandpas constant lecturing.......sprayed some water on grandpa's shirt. I was passing by and smiled.....smirked, rather. This was the same old fellow who had stopped us from playing cricket in the building premises when we were young !!! Anyone troubling him makes me happy and I feel a natural bond to the person who troubles him !!! I mentally made notes to give the young kiddo a huge bar of chocolate later on !!!

Seeing the kid water the plant I remembered an incident. When I was in the 3rd grade, one of our teacher had asked us to plant a small sapling in a small pot at home (Instructions were pretty much basic. We werent told what to plant, that was for ourselves to find out. The pot was to be a small cup....An ice cream cup would do.). We were asked to record the growth in its length every day and its overall progress. The small plant was to be bought to school and shown to the teacher. Marks were supposed to be given on how healthy the plant appeared and how much the growth was. I was very excited, initially, and was looking forward to planting. However school time enthusiasm was forgotten once I got home. In fact, I forgot all about it until the very last day of the 'dead line' of 'submission of the sapling', which was some 15-20 days from the date on which the teacher had given us the project. Now, its agreed that you can't grow a 'tree' in 15-20 days, but I know (now, of course) that mustard seeds if planted in soil can grow quickly. However knowledge was of no consequence !!! The reality was that I had totally forgotten about it. Even if I did know it then, what was the use, if it had slipped completely off my mind? The teacher reminded us once a week, but even then I forgot. Then one day the teacher said, "Children, bring your plant tommorow, I hope they are growing well and you are watering them regularly."
It was then that I remembered !!! Oh yes, the plant ! I havent planted them !!! Oh what will I do?. And while everyone was happily discussing how well their plant had grown, I was left pondering on how to achieve a miracle. Usually mom was more 'demonic' and less 'angelic' when such kind of careless situations turned up....(I am sure every mom is.) and I wasnt exactly willing to tell mom to perform some kind of miracle.
I had an idea, of course. Next day (On day of submission.) I went downstairs and brought some 'soil' from the very place the kid was watering the plant today !!!
I remember scooping a handful of 'soil' in an old ice cream cup. So, I said to myself, "There's the soil". Now comes the plant. So I simply uprooted a weed-like thing from the ground, kept it in the soil collected in the cup and just packed some soil around its base. I put some water on the soil....and sprinkled some on the had to look fresh. It looked like a plant to me.......all fed and watered !!! The soil looked a bit more light coloured to me.....maybe it was because it did not have enough water, so I put some more. I punctured 5 holes at the base of the cup so that the extra water would drain off. And there it was....a nice plant. Grown by a cheat. I was proud of myself, even somewhat confident that I'll get good marks off it !!! I took the plant to school and showed it to the teacher. The teacher took one look at the plant and understood, of course. She simply pulled it out easily (of course.....if its not actually planted it comes off easily, isnt it?). She simply asked me, "What is this nonsense? Didnt I ask you ages ago to plant something? You havent done it and dare to bring this .....this 'fixed' plant to me? you'll get a big zero!! Get out of the class and kneel outside." So there I was, kneeling down outside the classroom, caught cheating and then 'humiliated' in front of my classmates !! Later on, I learnt that even the 'soil' I used was not soil,actually, but rather the loose gravel, used by the construction workers, who were repairing the building columns, at that time !!! Whenever, I think of this incident, I laugh. One things for sure, though. I never did have a green thumb anytime in my life, not then and not even now !!!!


Buls said...

Hahahahaa!!! I remember spending days growing plants... I loved doing that... and then watching the seed break into root and shoot... and then leaves would sprout.

RK said...

u do have a green thumba then....I never had the patience...nor the drive to grow plants..I feel irritated when someone asks me to water the house plants.

Anonymous said...

lol Muttz i never got such an assignment .. how come ???

@ Bulz...
u hav such patience ??? dats so shocking... i might get a heart attack !!
@ K.C

RK said...

U might've got it...but u dont remember....u were in a different class in the 3rd grade....

Anonymous said...

@ Buls

I bet u didn't love doing it as a school assignment with grades !!!

@ KC

You had a plant too, but the stems were broken by the time u brought it to school !

- Ravan

Anonymous said...

@ KC

Saale chhote se ped-paudhon ko bhool gaya, kal tu hamein bhi bhool sakta hai !!!

- Ravan

RK said...


KC mustve placed his kundi on the kundi so the plant mustve been destroyed.