Saturday, April 26, 2008


We all have our dilemmas regarding selection of a career path. It might occur at different times for different individuals, but, yes, the questions do arise……what kind of job would I like to do? In which field would I like to make a career? In the present scenario, there are a lot of options, which makes the dilemma even worse. It wasn’t a big decision some years ago when men had no option but to take up a job quickly. Education wasn’t that important or there were a few who could afford higher education. Settling down quickly in life and earning money to fulfil your basic needs was necessary.
When I completed my engineering degree, I went to my father for some ‘career advice’. He had seen my confusion before and gave me the most practical advice.
He told me……

”Son, You have to decide what you want. You have to decide what makes you happy. In your happiness lies your success. You have three options…..Money, fame and satisfaction. Money will bring you all the luxuries in life. It will satisfy all your materialistic needs. Being money minded might make money multiply……..but remember that if you focus only on money it is likely that you will stop living a ‘life’. Its not a question of how much money will satisfy your needs. It’s a question of how to satisfy your needs in the earned amount.

“Fame might be some the ultimate goal for some. Fame comes when someone does something great or something stupid!!!……like win an olympic medal or become an actor of bollywood or dives from a cliff and escapes alive!!! But with fame comes responsibility to maintain the status….and not to defame it!! And the good old saying goes………Fame is a fickle friend. When you are famous, there are people who would call you friends….but you get to know who your true friends are only when you lose your fame and the times are bad. Fame and money often go hand in hand but not always”

“The third option is the one which I would advice you to go with……satisfaction. Decide what career will make you feel satisfied. I ask you…..why do you want to earn money? I have earned enough so that you can enjoy your life to a certain extent…..atleast take things at an easy pace. I have worked hard and earned a lot of money….did I have an option? I am not saying that you shouldn’t earn money or be famous……the point of telling you this is that I want you to decide what you want. I want you to take up something that’ll make you a happy man.
If money or fame make you content…then so be it….go after it… If satisfaction is your cup of tea….look for a 9 to 5 job and be happy with what money you get and your designation….youll also get an opportunity to try out new activities as youll get home early!!!”

“If you find utmost satisfaction in only money and fame or if you get all the three in the same career… will be the luckiest and the most successful man alive!!!


K.C said...

what we want... how can it always remain same ? ??
i mean u wud need fame at times... at times money... and at times satisfaction... fir Kya ??

RK said...

you are a gemini right?

K.C said...

yea,,, u knw it !!

RK said...

As a gemini ull need something of everything at different times...... so you know what want.....'change' is what youll want in ur life.....and ull work towards it....